Our Philosophy
The authority of the local church
Biblically faithful churches alone have the authority to raise up and send qualified missionaries to plant more churches in the Great Commission. Missionaries must be vitally connected members of their local church. They must be trained and qualified for church planting by their pastors and elders and then and only then should they be sent out from their church to plant another church.
The priority of training
After being qualified for church planting by their local church, the missionary’s next highest priority is training for gospel ministry among unreached language groups. Rushing through this step or taking shortcuts in the name of urgency usually requires paying a higher price later on. FinisTerre highly recommends Radius International for training in church planting and Bible translation among unreached people. www.radiusinternational.org
The necessity of on-field care
Once a qualified missionary is equipped and sent to Papua New Guinea, that missionary will need the best support available on the field. At our base in Madang, we provide orientation for our newly arrived missionaries, complete with language, cultural, and logistical training. Our team in Madang is also equipped to provide pastoral and logistical support during the missionary’s duration in Papua New Guinea. Tribal missionary teams can also retreat to our base from their village to receive counsel, refreshment, and further training, as needed. Meanwhile, our staff in the States nurtures relationships with the pastoral leadership of sending churches to maintain a clearly defined partnership that honors the local church’s authority in the Great Commission.